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12月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

This is "mochi".

https://www.echigoseika.co.jp/sys/products/dtl/38 amazon mochi →  mochi


This year's kanji is "北(kita)".  "北(kita)" means "North". http://asakurado.jp/products/ https://item.rakuten.co.jp/gourmetkyu/c/0000000155/ https://ameblo.jp/asakuradou/

Kazuo Ishiguro - Nobel Lecture

Kazuo Ishiguro - Nobel Lecture https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/2017/ishiguro-lecture_en.html 7 December, 2017 My Twentieth Century Evening - and Other Small Breakthroughs If you'd come across me in the autumn of 1979, you might have had some difficulty placing me, socially or even racially. I was then 24 years old. My features would have looked Japanese, but unlike most Japanese men seen in Britain in those days, I had hair down to my shoulders, and a drooping bandit-style moustache. The only accent discernible in my speech was that of someone brought up in the southern counties of England, inflected at times by the languid, already dated vernacular of the Hippie era. If we'd got talking, we might have discussed the Total Footballers of Holland, or  Bob Dylan 's latest album, or perhaps the year I'd just spent working with homeless people in London. Had you mentioned Japan, asked me about its culture, you might even have detected a...


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Russia 's "boycott" also stiffly argues

http://www.sankei.com/west/news/171204/wst1712040008-n1.html Russian "Boycott" strong struggle also participate on IOC on the 5th I definitely judge Medvedeva and other strict doping tests Regarding the Russian doping issue, the participation of Russian teams in the Pyeongchang Olympic Games held in February next year is in doubt. In the middle of November, the World Anti - Doping Organization (WADA) decided to suspend disqualification of the Russian Anti - Doping Organization (RUSADA). Prospects are expected to be stricter than last year's Rio de Janeiro Olympic games, which was limited to the participation of 70% of the original planned team. WADA executives say that "participation in the competition for clean players should be secured", but in Russia there is a strong argument that "Olympics should be boycotted." Former Inspection Office Director charges systematic doping The Russian doping problem is charged with Russian athletes in 2014. L...

Evgeni Plushenko 2017 North Korea Show Carmina Burana



https://www.wada-ama.org/ https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%83%81%E3%83%BB%E3%83%89%E3%83%BC%E3%83%94%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E6%A9%9F%E9%96%A2

Plushenko joined the Putin Team.

https://www.sports.ru/figure-skating/1058006607.html Plushenko joined the Putin Team. Tags Evgeny Plushenko Vladimir Putin politics Two-time Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko said about joining the public movement Putin Team. "I appreciate and respect our president for everything he does for Russia. For his high professionalism in politics, in the management of our state. Every day he proves by deed that Russia was, is and will be a great country! Today I am in the Putin Team to support the president as a sportsman as a citizen of his country! "Plushenko wrote in the instagram. 2度目のオリンピックチャンピオンの エフゲニー・プルシェンコ は、公衆運動のプーチン・チームに参加すると述べた。 "私は彼がロシアのためにしているすべてのために社長に感謝し、尊敬する。 政治における彼の高いプロフェッショナリズムのために、私たちの国家の管理に。 彼は毎日、ロシアが存在していて、偉大な国になることを証明します! 今日は、私は - プーチンチームで、私の国の市民として、アスリートとして社長をサポートするために「 - !プルシェンコのinstagrameを書きました。

Rodchenkov on the request to spoil the doping test of Ukrainian Vita Semerenko: "I could not do this with an innocent athlete"

Rodchenkov on the request to spoil the doping test of Ukrainian Vita Semerenko: "I could not do this with an innocent athlete" Tags Vita Semerenko Sochi-2014 Russian national team wives doping team of Ukraine wives Yuri Nagornykh Grigory Rodchenkov Informant of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Grigory Rodchenkov said that former Deputy Minister of Sports of Russia Yuri Nagornykh asked to spoil the trial of Ukrainian biathlete Vita Semerenko, in order to disqualify the athlete. Rodchenkov refused, referring to the fact that the repeated sample could show that banned drugs were added from outside, and were not contained in the body of the athlete. "He was especially worried about Ukrainian biathletes who threw a serious challenge to the Russians in the relay race. But I could not do this with an innocent athlete. Throughout my work, I often said that dirty samples are clean, but never the opposite, "Rodchenkov said. At the Olympic Games ...

Grigory Rodchenkov: "Fighting against doping is absolutely fucking ridiculous. I will destroy all of Russia's Olympic sport for the next 5 years "

https://www.sports.ru/biathlon/1058013442.html Tags doping team Russia team Russia wives WADA Grigory Rodchenkov The former head of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory, Grigory Rodchenkov, promised to destroy all Russian sports for the coming years. "The fight against doping is completely stupid for me. What's bugging me is that people who do not even imagine what a fight against doping is, did not do a single analysis, did not piss off any blood, did not run a kilometer, no one begins to broadcast such fundamental, so to speak, manifestos from nowhere. When there one goat said that we will change the director of the laboratory - he could not stand me - then WADA told him: well, only the laboratory director we will appoint, maybe he is not from Russia. I mean, I'm a son of a bitch, of course, but I'm still my son of a bitch. I will do so that I will have 100 samples, and I will destroy all of Russia's Olympic sport for the next 5 years! "- said Rodchenk...

Chan temporarily stopped training and is experiencing psychological problems.

https://www.sports.ru/figure-skating/1057940362.html https://www.sovsport.ru/others/figure/articles/1014141-5-voprosov-marine Chan temporarily stopped training and is experiencing psychological problems Tags Marina Zueva Team Canada Patrick Chan Men's Skating Coach Canadian figure skater Marina Zueva said that her student Patrick Chan temporarily stopped training and is experiencing psychological problems. "You have to learn everything from Patrick directly. Now he is in Vancouver. He must decide everything for himself, decide. I adore him, I'm ready to start working at any time. He is the best "catcher" in the world. This he began in his time a new era in men's single skating. Patrick is still young, he must continue to ride - as long as possible! I experience with him his problems, fatigue, all this is not easy ... But his skating is unique, unforgettable, no one can compare with him, "said Zueva. Recall that in the current season, Canadi...