Tags doping team Russia team Russia wives WADA Grigory Rodchenkov The former head of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory, Grigory Rodchenkov, promised to destroy all Russian sports for the coming years. "The fight against doping is completely stupid for me. What's bugging me is that people who do not even imagine what a fight against doping is, did not do a single analysis, did not piss off any blood, did not run a kilometer, no one begins to broadcast such fundamental, so to speak, manifestos from nowhere. When there one goat said that we will change the director of the laboratory - he could not stand me - then WADA told him: well, only the laboratory director we will appoint, maybe he is not from Russia. I mean, I'm a son of a bitch, of course, but I'm still my son of a bitch. I will do so that I will have 100 samples, and I will destroy all of Russia's Olympic sport for the next 5 years! "- said Rodchenk...