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Chan temporarily stopped training and is experiencing psychological problems.



Chan temporarily stopped training and is experiencing psychological problems

Tags Marina Zueva Team Canada Patrick Chan Men's Skating

Coach Canadian figure skater Marina Zueva said that her student Patrick Chan temporarily stopped training and is experiencing psychological problems.

"You have to learn everything from Patrick directly. Now he is in Vancouver. He must decide everything for himself, decide. I adore him, I'm ready to start working at any time.

He is the best "catcher" in the world. This he began in his time a new era in men's single skating. Patrick is still young, he must continue to ride - as long as possible! I experience with him his problems, fatigue, all this is not easy ... But his skating is unique, unforgettable, no one can compare with him, "said Zueva.

Recall that in the current season, Canadian Chan starred from his second stage of the grand prix and admitted that he was experiencing problems with motivation.

Published by ynewsSource - Soviet Sport

カナダのフィギュアスケーターMarina Zuevaコーチは、彼女の学生Patrick Chanが一時的にトレーニングをやめ、心理的な問題を経験していると言いました。


彼は世界で最高の "キャッチャー"です。これは、彼の時代に、男性のシングルスケートの新しい時代に始まりました。パトリックはまだ若く、できるだけ長く乗り続けなければならない!私は彼の問題、疲労を経験しているが、これは簡単ではない...しかし、彼のスケートはユニークで忘れられないもので、誰も彼と比較することはできない」と述べた。


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